Shipping Updates
2 min readJul 18, 2021

Gateways on their way! — we want to share with you some of the most recent updates from Europe and North American fulfillment, and some of the great results we’re seeing out of the first SyncroB.its hitting the network.

North America

In our last blog post, we let you know that all testing was completed for the FCC, and we now officially have the rubber stamp with the approval fully processed! If you’ve got nothing better to do and want to read hundreds of pages of reports, head on over here:

If not, all you need to know is that we’re officially approved to ship gateways to the US! And fear not Canucks 🇨🇦 , we didn’t forget about you — we’re approved in Canada too: IC: 27460-CH-23

Our first batch of North American gateways has already landed in the US and are just awaiting customs clearance. Once they’re cleared they’ll head to our Kentucky warehouse for a quality check and fulfillment. The team will be ready and waiting to get the gateways out as soon as possible, but expect at least a few days before we confirm they’re all good to go and the first ones get out the door.

And we’ve got two more batches expected to go out this week! One batch will be US bound and headed to our US warehouse, and the other will be shipping from our factory in China direct to our customers in Canada.

Stay tuned for emails letting you know your gateway has shipped if you’re one of the early orders (January or February).


Our EU fulfillment team has been working hard over the past week to get our second batch of units sent out to our EU customers. We’ve hit some small snags along the way, but should have the full batch fulfilled this coming week!

These units cover up to about Mid March orders.

New Purchases Are Closed

We’ve consistently been overwhelmed by the level of support our customers have shown, and we want to do out best to work for those existing customers that have already placed their orders with us. In light of this, we’ve paused accepting any new orders for the moment, while we work to fulfill existing ones.

